经济下跌fall, drop, be lower, slip等来翻译,更为严重的还可以用plummet和collapse等。
微跌:slip, drop, down
跌幅较大:plummet, collapse
同比 翻译
from the same period last year
compared to the previous year
from a year earlier
连续上涨和下滑consecutive 或 in a row 以及in a straight months/years。
也可以直接用类似 a 17-month low/high的表达方式
z低点:lowest 或 lowest level
z高值/记录:用high、the highest或record high/level来表示。
to add
(to be) up
to build up
to climb
to come up
to enhance
to gain
to go up
to grow
to increase
to push up
to rise
to jump 跃升
to rocket 猛增
to shoot up 猛增
to surge 大幅度上升
(to be) down
to bring down
to come down
to cut
to decline
to descend
to drop
to fall
to do down
to lessen
to lower
to reduce
to retreat
to slide
to slow down.
to plummet
to plunge
to collapse
中国经济新常态(the new normal of china’s economy)
1.经济增速虽然放缓,实际增量依然可观(a sizable increase in real output despite slower growth);
2.经济增长更趋平稳,增长动力更为多元(more stable growth with a more diversified array of growth
3.经济结构优化升级,发展前景更加稳定( an increasingly optimized and upgraded economic structure);
4.中国政府大力简政放权,市场活力进一步释放( a further revitalized market as result of the on-going move
to streamline government and delegate authorities)。
经济网站翻译,翻译报价热线400 8633 580
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