stilt style architecture
ganlan style architecture
stilt house
榫卯结构 tenon-and-mortise joints
苏州古典园林 the classical gardens of suzhou
亭、轩、榭、阁 pavilion
台 terrace
楼 tower
堂、馆 hall
廊 corridor
舫 boat-shaped waterfront building
木结构建筑 timber skeleton structure
单体建筑结构 the structure of the individual building
斗拱 the dougong / bracketing system
屋顶 the roof
构成飞檐 out-stretching eave
四合院 quadrangle dwelling
窑洞 cave dwelling
宫 palace
寺、刹 temple
角楼 wachtower
鼓楼 drum tower
钟楼 clock tower
塔(舍利塔式的) dagoba
塔(宝塔式的) pagoda
敦煌壁画 the dunhuang frescoes
建筑中英翻译 2021-7-21
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