医疗卫生机构 health care and medical institution
医院 hospital
诊所、防治所、卫生室、医务室 clinic
疗养院 sanatorium, convalescent hospital
护理医院 nursing home, nursing hospital
医院的分院 branch hospital
华山医院宝山分院 huashan hospital, baoshan branch
如复旦大学附属中山医院 zhongshan hospital affiliated with〔或 to〕fudan university 或 zhongshan hospital〔the affiliated hospital of fudan university〕, zhongshan hospital, fudan university
医保定点医疗机构 medical insurance designated hospital 或 medical insurance designated clinic
医保定点药房 medical insurance designated pharmacy
中医 traditional chinese medicine, tcm
门诊部总称 outpatient department
急诊部总称 emergency department
门、急诊部的分科诊室 department
住院部总称 inpatient department或inpatient ward
住院部的分科病房 ward,也department
门急诊部的血液科 hematology department
住院部的血液科 hematology ward 或 hematology department
较大规模的门急诊部和住院部时可采用复数:门诊部 outpatient departments
发热门诊 fever clinic
专家门诊 expert clinic
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