tube slide 管道滑梯
spiral slide 螺旋式滑梯
swing 秋千
jungle gym 攀爬架 climbing frame
monkey bars 云梯
high bar 单杠
parallel bar 双杠
see-saw 跷跷板
air walker 成人健身器材
sit-up bench 仰卧起坐板
elliptical outdoor cross trainer 椭圆机
waist twister 扭腰器
taichi exercise equipment 太极揉推器
chest press 坐推器
leg press 脚蹬器
rower rider健骑机
outdoor rower 划船器
double shoulder rotation station 双人转轮
i'm going to pump iron at the gym.我要去健身房举铁啦。
器材 equipments
课程 courses
跑步机 treadmill
健身脚踏车 exercise bike
哑铃 dumb bell
椭圆机 elliptical
俯卧撑 push-up
仰卧起坐 sit-up
伸展运动 stretching
慢跑 jogging
健美操 aerobics
举重 weight lifting
eep fit 保持身体健康
get in shape 保持体型
get cut 有肌肉
someone is jacked 肌肉发达
everybody wants a six-pack/ v line abs
get rid of your spare tire 甩掉肚腩
love handles (男士)腰上的肉
muffin top
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